Raised 315.00$16115
Goal $15000
107% to goal

About the Campaign

Take a look at the pictures on this website and you will see why we are so passionate about this. Can you imagine trudging 5+ miles every day just to get water? How about carrying that water the 5+ miles back. Or worse yet having to give that murky brown water to your child even though you know it could make them very, very sick. If your like us you really can’t imagine that and you wish no one else had to too. So please donate to our campaign and help change this for as many people as we can, one well at a time.

Campaign Supporters

Anonymous - $315
Anonymous - $15
Anonymous - $50
Anonymous - $200
Anonymous - $50
Oak Hill UMC - Austin - $5000
First United Methodist Church - $485
Oak Hill UMC - $5000
Oak Hill UMC - $5000