
The gift of a better life

We could not build wells and change lives without the support of families, congregations, groups, schools, and businesses. Whether you give now, create or donate to a fundraiser to fund clean water or give to support the operations that sustain our mission, you are making a new life possible for thousands of people in need.

More Ways to Give…

Well Campaigns

It takes just $5,000 to fund a well that will support a community of over 500 people for up to 20 years. You can donate to an existing fundraising campaign or launch your own! Our creative and amazing donors have created art, sold coffee, walked, biked, ran and climbed mountains to fund clean water.

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Drop by Drop Fund

We continue to be able to make our 100 Percent Promise because of supporters who also recognize the need for a strong operational foundation. Gifts to our Drop by Drop fund sustain our mission and support all the work that goes along with building wells.

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Water Guardians

Monthly support matters. Water Guardians give whatever they can, monthly, to the Drop by Drop Fund. Their gifts fund our operations, partnerships, fundraising efforts, and ability to travel to the field to inspect projects and build relationships with beneficiaries. They keep our office lights on, employ our small staff and allow us to implement more wells.

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Endowment Fund

Our vision for the Endowment Fund is to build a foundation of financial security to ensure continuity in serving those in need of clean water for many generations to come. By joining this community of generous donors and giving to the Water to Thrive Endowment Fund, you will create a lasting legacy.

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Water Angels

Water Angels, our special group of dedicated donors, are instrumental in driving our mission forward. To put it simply, Water Angel contributions help to sustain our operation. This funding supports critical elements that keep our doors open and the water flowing in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania!

Thrivent Choice

Choice Dollars directions can help support Water to Thrive.