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Campaign to donate to:* #10158: Pay-It-Forward Well #2 Select #7998: $50 for 50 Years - Celebrating Dan and Nova Kolander's 50th Wedding Anniversary #3786: 40 Days of Lent Challenge #3787: 50 X 2 = 5,000: Mike and Kathryn's 50th Birthday Celebration #3788: 5th grade Little Longhorns Water to Thrive #3789: A Gift of Clean Water, Sorensen Campaign #11659: Abiding Love Lutheran Well#9 #3792: Abiding Love Well #4 - Funding Complete #5440: Abiding Presence Lutheran Church ~ San Antonio, TX ~ Well #5 Funding Complete! #8112: Abiding Presence Lutheran Church ~ San Antonio, TX ~Well #6 #9763: Abiding Presence Lutheran Church Well #9 #3795: ABSA 2015-2016 #3796: Akash's Campaign #6196: Alexandria, MN Well Campaign - Funding Complete! #7634: All Saints Lutheran - Arlington ~ Funding Complete! #8361: All Saints Lutheran Church ~ Arlington, TX- Completed Well #9789: All Saints Lutheran- Arlington- Well #5 #5599: Anja's Birthday ~ The Gift of Clean Water #3798: Augie Wells ~ Rock Island, IL ~ Funding Complete! #7072: Augustana University ~ Sioux Falls, SD #11370: AWS Class of 2030 Water Well Campaign #7674: Baked Goods for a Well #7617: Be the Pipe #3799: Bethany Campaign: Blessed to Give Blessings #11539: Bethany Lutheran and Mt. Carmel Well Campaign #9783: Bethany Lutheran Fredericksburg- well#2- COMPLETE #11069: Bethany SCUBA VBS Well Project #5560: Big Bend Gang - Funding Complete! #8896: Bill and Carol Kaemmerer's Golden Anniversary~ Funding Complete! #7833: Blog Return to Tanzania #7507: BNI Circle of Trust #3801: Build A Well No. 1 #3802: BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible) Campaign #3804: Calvary Lutheran - A Gift of Water #3805: Camp Luther WI Campers, Friends, and Families #7610: Campbell Family Well #3806: Canyon Creek Elemenatary School - You Did It! #3807: Canyon Vista Middle School Choir Fundraiser #10121: Cathy's Friends and Family for Clean Water- Funding of well one is complete! Now it's time for a second well! #3809: Celebrating Anne Elizabeth's 18th Birthday with Dig Deep #3810: Celebrating Wells of Love - Six Wells Funded! #3811: Central College Water To Thrive - 1st Well! #3812: Central College Well #2! ~ Funding Complete! #7058: Change 4 Change: Decorah Middle School Students Making Change for the Better - Please see our new fundraiser: One Well One Drop #3813: Change Lives in 2016! Thank you to all who supported this effort - We are grateful! #6440: Chef's Table Austin, for The Drop by Drop Fund #8634: Christ Lutheran Church ~ Arcadia, WI~ COMPLETE! #3816: Christmas 2013 #5111: Clara G. Herrera ~ Climb Kilimanjaro #3817: Clean Water 4 Kids #10940: Clean Water for Tanzania #6426: Clean Water to Honor Erik’s College Graduation and Career Dream - Funding Complete! #3818: Climb Kilimanjaro 2018 ~ Chef David Bull #3819: Coastal Bay-Gulf Coast Synod - Four wells Completed! #3820: Concordia University Irvine #7760: Concordia University Texas - Every Drop Counts #11269: Cormorant Lutheran Church Well Project #3824: Cry, Ho! #3825: Crystal and Zach's Wedding Well #3826: CTK Christmas 2016 #3827: CUC is building a Well #3828: CURVES, Oak Knoll Well - Complete - Thanks to the awesome ladies at Curves! #7411: CURVES, Wells Branch ~ Austin, TX - Well #5 - Funding Complete! #3829: CURVES, Wells Branch ~ Austin, TX ~ Well #2 ~ Congratulations, Funding Complete for our 2nd Well! #6632: CURVES, Wells Branch ~ Austin, TX ~ Well #4 - Funding Complete! #3831: CURVES, Wells Branch, Austin, TX - Congratulations - Funding Complete! #8648: Dean McIntire Honorary Well~ Funding Complete! #10952: Decorah Middle School Well Campaign #6 #9074: Decorah Middle School- One Well, One Drop~ Well #5- COMPLETE #5108: Decorah Middle School's Change 4 Change #5998: Decorah Middle School's Change 4 Change - 2019 ~ Funding Complete! #9977: Decorah Well#6- One Well, One Drop- Currently funding #5020: Dick Moeller-Kilimanjaro Climb-Call me Crazy? #3832: Dig Deep Hotchkiss - One down and One to Go! #3833: Doc E's Life Changing Salsa Campaign #11363: Drink Well- Hurwitz Well#2 #3835: Ehlers Family Wells- Well #4 #7486: Emanuel's Lutheran Church Water Well - #2 #6920: Emanuel's Lutheran Church Water Well - Funding Complete! #3836: Emmanuel Lutheran North Hollywood - Water Is Life! #3837: Ethiopia Friends Well II - Funding Complete! #3838: Ethiopian Friends I #3839: Faith Dickinson Water Project #3840: Faith Dickinson Well#5 #3841: Faith Lutheran Austin Water Project #3842: Faith Lutheran Dickinson TX Well #2 #3843: Faith Lutheran Dickinson TX Well #3 #3844: Faith Lutheran Dickinson TX Well #4 #9742: Ferriola Birthday Celebration Well~ Funding Complete! Thank you so much to everyone who made this possible! #10957: Fresh Coffee to Clean Water #6392: Fresh Coffee to Clean Water - Funding Complete! #7897: Fresh Coffee to Clean Water ~ Well #2 ~ Funding Complete! #8203: Fresh Coffee to Clean Water ~ Well #3 ~ Funding Complete! #8330: Fresh Coffee to Clean Water ~ Well #4 ~ Funding Complete! #9167: Fresh Coffee to Clean Water~ Well #5~Funding Complete! #11597: Gladys and John Aasen Family Well Campaign #3849: Gloria Dei Lutheran (Iowa City) Water To Thrive - Funding Complete! #8582: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church ~ Iowa City, IA ~ Well #16- Well funded! #6049: Gloria Dei Lutheran, Iowa City, IA ~ Campaign #7 ~ Funding Complete! #7094: Gloria Dei Lutheran, Iowa City, IA ~ Well #10 - Funding Complete! #7864: Gloria Dei Lutheran, Iowa City, IA ~ Well #12 ~ Funding Complete! #5548: Gloria Dei Lutheran, Iowa City, IA ~ Well Campaign #6 ~ Funding Complete! #5200: Gloria Dei Lutheran, Iowa City, Iowa ~ Well #5 Funding Complete #9229: Gloria Dei well #17~Funding Complete! #9325: Gloria Dei Well #18- Funding Complete! #10361: Gloria Dei Well#21 #8914: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Raven's Nest_ FUNDING COMPLETE! #3850: Green Week 2013 #9571: Harambee~ Funding Complete! Thank you to everyone who made this possible! #3851: Hawkeye Water to Thrive ~ Funding Complete! #5386: Hertford Grammar School Well: Every Drop Counts ~ Funding Complete! #6848: Honoring Alan Winslow ~ A Good Man - Funding Complete! #7649: Honoring Jim Sorensen #9519: Hope Presbyterian Austin- Matthew 25: Give Drink To The Thirsty #3855: Hope's Ethiopian Well Project - Funding Complete #3857: Illinois State Campaign for Water #3858: Illinois State Campaign for Water 2013-2014 #3859: Illinois State Campaign for Water 2014 -2015 #3860: In Honor of Anna Adix - Funding Complete! #3861: In honor of service #5862: In Memory of Jeanne Rabke Carrillo #3862: In Memory of Millicent Erlewine Campaign combines efforts with Pay It Forward - Well Complete! #8004: It Takes A Village ~ Funding Complete! #3863: Jazzwater Wood for Good #3864: Jazzwater Wood for Good for Operations 2016 #3865: Jazzwater Wood for Good Well #2 #4760: Jennifer Flacke ~ Climb Kilimanjaro ~ 2018 #11578: Joe Nell Wilson: Tribute Well #3866: John and Jo Climb Kili in Tanzania ~ For Water To Thrive #3867: Kaleb's 3rd Well for Ethiopia- Currently Funding #3868: Kaleb's Well for Ethiopia - Thank you for helping me build 2 Wells! #3869: Katherine's 18th Birthday - Gifts of Water - Gifts added to Hotchkiss "Dig Deep" Campaign! #3871: Kovach Campaign - Thank you!! #6060: Let's Make It 1,000! - Funding Complete! #6056: Luther College, Climate Justice Week #10928: Lutheran Church of Holy Trinity #3873: Lutheran World Relief #3874: Lynda Baumann Memorial Wells #9254: Mammoth Tusk Outreach- Well 15-21- FUNDING COMPLETE!!! Thank you to all who contributed to the success of this campaign! #10168: Mammoth TUSK- Wells 28-32! Together we are transforming thousands of lives! JOIN US! #3875: Matching Campaign #10330: Mission Support #6982: Moravians for mission - Longwood, Florida- Well Funding Complete! #10018: Music for Water- Brian Gigee #11546: NW MN ELCA Youth Synod Well Campaign #10458: NWOYA Clean Water for Uganda- Well#1 #7720: One Well, One Drop #5480: Our Savior Lutheran Church - Funding Complete! #9157: Our Savior Lutheran Church Austin, TX~ Well #4~ Funding Complete #9241: Our Savior Lutheran Church Well #5-Funding Complete! Thank you to everyone who donated and made this possible! #6167: Our Savior Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas ~ Well #2 ~ Funding Complete! #7379: Our Savior Lutheran Church, Austin, TX ~ Well #3 ~ Funding Complete! #10482: Our Savior Lutheran Well#6 #10921: Our Shepherd Lutheran Church #10158: Pay-It-Forward Well #2 #5944: Peace Lutheran Church - Pasadena, Texas ~ Funding Complete! #10935: Perquimans Interact Club Well #3877: Phil Frahm Memorial Well - Completed #3878: Redeemer Lutheran Church - Celebrating & Giving Thanks #10233: Ripple Effects Well# 2 #10463: Roasters Coffee House - Cedar Rapids and Hiawatha, Iowa #3879: Samuel's Well #6539: Soap for Hope Well #1 - Funding Complete! #7597: Songs to Inspire Change #3881: St. Andrew's Campaign for Water #3882: St. Clements “Springs for Life” #3883: Strides for Africa 2015 #3884: Strides for Africa 2016 #3885: Strides for Africa 2017 #3886: Students4Water #3887: Susanne Wilson - Climb for a Cause ~ W2T Tanzania 2018 #9693: Texas Lutheran University Well #10 #10944: Texas Lutheran University Well #12 #6434: The Great Lemonade Challenge Cayman Islands #6465: The Hrachovina Family Well - Funding Complete! #3893: The Kolander 100 Desk Project ~ Thank you all! #3895: Thirsty @ Faith #7571: Tony Carrillo Memorial~ Funding Complete~ #3897: Tree of Life Lutheran Church #3898: Tree of Life Water Initiative #5428: Trinity Lutheran Kids Well Project - Funding Complete! #3901: Triumphant Lutheran Church Lenten Challenge #6468: TUSK Outreach's Music for Water - Well #4 Funding Complete! #6834: TUSK Outreach's Music for Water - Well #5 ~ Funding Complete! #3902: TX-LA Gulf Coast Synodical Women's Organization - Women of the ELCA #3903: Ugandan Primary School Campaign - 2017 #9794: United in Christ Lutheran Parish- Well #1&2 Completed! Now onto well #3! #10172: United in Christ- Lutheran Parish Wells #3, 4, and 5 Funding Complete! Thank you to everyone who has made this success possible! #10575: United in Parish Well #8 COMPLETE! Thank you to everyone who donated and supported this campaign! #7967: Village to Village well #4 Funding Complete! Thank you to everyone who has made this success possible! #10127: Wartburg College Well#24 #5947: Water 4 Knowledge #9819: Water Angel Campaign #7109: Water Can't Wait - Operations Relief Fund #10948: Water For Ethiopia #9028: Water Guardians - Monthly Giving for Operations #7655: Water is the Change #3912: Water to Thrive - Cedar Park, TX #6030: Water to Thrive Team Recognition Well #10092: Water to Thrive-15th Anniversary Dinner #8606: Water Well #2 in Honor of Anna Adix - Funding Complete! #3913: Water Well Project #3914: Water Wheel - Two wells! #8531: Water Where It's Needed~ Funding Complete #9982: Waverly Shell Rock Well #2 #5995: Waverly-Shell Rock Middle School's Change4Change #3915: Wedding Bells for Wells! #9564: Wells For Life #9996: Wells for Wellness #10980: Westminster Residents Water Project 2 #7219: William E. McAda, DVM - Funding Complete! #3917: World Water Day 2014 - Tanzania Campaign #10552: World Water Day 2024 #3918: Zach and Devan's Wedding Well #3919: Zion Lutheran Church - San Antonio, TX