Jacob is a well guard and father in Baroromo, a village in the Apac district of Uganda
Jacob’s village used to get water from a swamp two miles away. Diarrhea, worms, typhoid and other water-related illnesses affected many people in the village. “The water was disgusting but it was all we had,” Jacob said. In 2007, Jacob lost his wife of 35 years to a water-related illness. Now, however, Baroromo has a Water to Thrive well and no one else has gotten sick.
Jacob leaves at 6 o’clock every morning for his job as caretaker of the well. More than 400 people from six small villages use the well and Jacob told us he is not about to let them down. “They all voted for me to be the caretaker and I am determined to do a good job and help the well last for a long time.” His job requires him to unlock the pump at 7a.m. and lock it up again at 6 p.m.. He is also responsible for keeping the area around the well clean and offering hygiene and sanitation tips to users.
“I am very, very happy that we now have this clean water and that my friends and neighbors will not have to suffer like my family did.”