Jacqueline is a village council officer, wife, and mother, in the village of Chapakazi in the Manyara region of Tanzania
Before Water to Thrive built a well in Jacqueline’s village, she said, “we went to the nearby riverbed to collect water. The source was used by cattle, donkeys, and other wild animals and was extremely contaminated by their foot prints and animal dung. To minimize the risk of getting sick, we would collect firewood and boil the water. But still it is a hard task to gather firewood every day, so people still drink and use river water for domestic activities.” Waterborne diseases like typhoid and diarrhea were common in her village, and transportation to a clinic and medication were costly.
“Thanks to this project and the donors, our life is greatly changed,” Jacqueline said, describing the impact of the water project. “Every day we can collect plenty of water from this hand pump well. The clinical cases of waterborne diseases are greatly decreased. Besides we saved our money, time, and energy and can now be involved in other income-generation activities. May God bless the donors of this project.”