Raised $5000
Goal $5000
100% to goal
About the Campaign
Thank you for supporting our campaign to bring clean, safe drinking water to those who so desperately need it. All too often we take for granted the quick and easy access that we have to clean water at any time of day. For so many people in the world, this is not the case. Instead, their only sources of water are dirty and polluted, causing death and disease. We want to change that and bring hope to a community in Ethiopia. We appreciate your support of our campaign as we work to raise $5,000 to bring clean water to children and families in Ethiopia. #herewegrow2014
Campaign Supporters
Woody - $25
Let's do this!
Let's do this!
Camp Luther Supporters - $471
Camp Luther - $328
From campers and supporters
From campers and supporters
Camp Luther Friends - $513
Camp Luther - $678
Supporters of clean water!
Supporters of clean water!
Camp Luther - $419
Friends and Families who support safe water!
Friends and Families who support safe water!
Camp Luther - $746
Campers and Friends
Campers and Friends
Logan McCord - $10
A 9 year old first time camper at Camp Luther that accepted the ALS ice bucket challenge
A 9 year old first time camper at Camp Luther that accepted the ALS ice bucket challenge
Camp Luther - $1035
Friends and Supporters of Ethiopia!
Friends and Supporters of Ethiopia!
Camp Luther Supporters - $26
Camp Luther Supporters - $49
Anonymous - $695