Raised 453.00999.9110.0042.90296.01200.0093.00200.0015.0083.00123.00246.70$4234
Goal $5000
84% to goal
About the Campaign
The prophet proclaims, “Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you that have no money come, buy and eat.” (Isaiah 55: 1)
We, through giving a portion of what God has first given us, announce the same through our Water 2 Thrive campaign. Join us in building a well for a community in need! Join us in crying , “Ho!”
Campaign Supporters
Supporters' combined gifts - Lutheran Campus Ministry - $453
Lutheran Campus Ministries - Multiple Supporters - $999
LuMin offering - $10
LuMin offering - $42
Multiple supporters - $296
Pr. Brad Fuerst - $200
Anonymous - $93
Pr. Brad Fuerst - $200
Anonymous - $15
Lutheran campus u.t. - $83
Lutheran campus u.t. - $123
Lutheran campus ministry u.t. - $246
UT Lutheran Campus Ministry - $45
Anonymous Gift - $2
Multiple Supporters - $124
Lutheran Campus Ministry at U.T. Austin
Lutheran Campus Ministry at U.T. Austin
Multiple Supporters - $18
Lutheran Campus Ministry - U.T. Austin
Lutheran Campus Ministry - U.T. Austin
Anonymous - $122
Anonymous - $20
Anonymous - $16
Anonymous - $8
Anonymous - $11
Lutheran Campus Ministry - $20
Student Supporters - $405
Lutheran Campus Ministry - U.T. Austin
Lutheran Campus Ministry - U.T. Austin