Raised 1110.00100.0035.00500.002875.001322.00200.00$6142
Goal $5000
About the Campaign
Emanuel’s strives “to be the church that God is calling us to be by declaring God’s love, serving others, and embracing all.” Providing safe, clean, and sustainable water to a rural community in East Africa is a call we embrace this Lenten season.
Everyone deserves access to clean, safe water. It affects everything. It means education for children, especially girls. It means time saved and spent on other activities, including earning money. It means improved health and reduced mortality. It means hope for the future. Emanuel’s Lutheran Church in Seguin, Texas has taken up the challenge to raise $5000 to build a well in rural Africa. When you make a donation this Easter you are making a new life possible for more than 500 people in need.
Water to Thrive is a small non-profit started at an ELCA congregation in Austin. The organization’s mission is to bring clean, safe water to communities in need. In their first decade, 1,000 wells were built that serve more than half a million people in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Lenten and Advent offerings in 2020 will be designated for the Emanuel’s Water to Thrive well. If you wish your donation to be in memory of or to honor a loved one, please fill out the forms available at the church or on our website at www.EmanuelsLutheranChurch.com. You may also make a special offering anytime.
Look for the Water to Thrive display in the narthex and check your bulletin and e-news weekly for more information. Speakers and events throughout the year will enhance our understanding of the vital role water plays in the lives of everyone.
Campaign Supporters
Friends of Emanuel's - $200.00 Joy Circle - $100.00 Friends of Emanuel's - $2575.00