Raised 50.00150.0025.00100.00100.00100.0050.00250.00100.00100.0010.0015.00100.0010.0050.00$1210
Goal $5000.00
24% to goal

About the Campaign

Friends, as you know I always seem to find myself in search of more in life.  A purpose or a goal; something to strive for.  My passion is adventure and fitness combined with philanthropy.  Here I am ready to embark on a new journey and I am asking for your support.

It was at a time that I suffered a great loss that I was sharing a glass of wine with a friend who began to tell me about a trip to Africa.  I was throwing myself into work and felt this great desire to get away and get involved with a greater purpose.  I wanted to go to Africa with her and her boys, but due to work conflicts I could not join her.  She mentioned another trip a week later that could not have been anything short of destiny for me to join.  The more she told me about it I began to feel my spirit come back alive.  Something in my heart told me I needed to do this.

My summer 2018 trip promises to be a unique experience.  I’ll join other hiking and philanthropic enthusiasts to raise operational funds for Water to Thrive, by climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in their service nation of Tanzania. Water to Thrive’s summer expedition will launch with visits to their Tanzanian water projects and also to villages still in need of life-saving water. Afterwards, our group will begin the eight-day climb (one day for descent included), with each climber pledging to raise funds for Water to Thrive.

Standing 19,318 feet above sea level, Mt. Kilimanjaro is the tallest, free-standing mountain in the world. Our Kilimanjaro climb will follow the gradual ascent, Lemosho Route, considered one of the most scenic trails and also offering a full-moon summit. The expedition involves a 35-mile climb with 14,000 feet of elevation. This route offers amazing and diverse rainforest, desert, volcanic and ice rock scenery, as well as an array of wildlife. The group will be led by two expert guides from Climb Kili, a climbing company whose primary focus is safety, ethics, and environmental concern. Climb Kili has worked with numerous charitable groups, including Wounded Warriors and Make a Wish. Climb Kili offers a FAQ sheet at http://www.climbkili.com/faqs/.

Water to Thrive envisions a world where we share our gifts and blessings to provide health, hope and water to all.  I want to be a part of this world.  Water to Thrive is a faith-based, non-profit dedicated to the mission of bringing clean, safe water to those who need it, in rural Africa.  They work with donors in the United States and implementing partners in Africa to bring lasting change.  Will you support me?

Campaign Supporters

Leslie and Shellie - $50
Anonymous - $150
Marquis Martin - $25
Jen, That mountain will be a piece of cake. I'm proud of you. This is a great charity and clean water will save lives in so many places there. Have fun and good luck!
Jennifer Flacke - $100
Judy Flacke - $100
Go Jen
Shelly Rone - $100
This is such s great cause! I can’t imagine not having clean water for me and my family. We are so blessed! Good luck Jen!
Wendy Blaney - $50
Go get ‘em! This is super cool. Really proud to know you.
Anonymous - $250
Your trip sounds amazing. Such a thoughtful way to help others. It will be rewarding to you in ways you can’t imagine.
Judy Flacke - $100
Anonymous - $100
Best of Luck Jennifer!
Gina - $10
Great cause
Darren - $15
I think this is such an amazing idea and a wonderful experience for you. Thanks for all your efforts
Booker Wade - $100
Good luck on your journey
Jill Reed - $10
Sharon, Mendy, and precious little ones waiting for water - $50
So excited for you, friend, and endlessly proud of you for following your spirit! Climb, Jen, climb! From Rebecca, Gabe and Nathan