Raised 10.00$2010
Goal $5000
About the Campaign
More than 800,000,000 people in the world do not have access to clean, safe drinking water. Every year tens of millions suffer from diseases contracted through dirty, contaminated water. Children miss school because they spend their days gathering water or at home, sick from disease. Women are unable to care for their families or engage in income generating activities because they spend hours every day in the long trek for water.
The water crisis is at the core of nearly all problems in the developing world. But luckily, we can do something about it. At St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, we are launching a campaign to raise $5,000 for the construction of a clean water well. If we reach our goal, we will be able to provide water to an entire community of those who desperately need it in rural Africa. We hope you will join us and help us reach this goal!
Campaign Supporters
Funds raised by Vacation Bible School
Matching funds for St. Andrews VBS donation