Raised $8394
Goal $5000
167% to goal

About the Campaign

By the end of this school year, we are hoping to build our 5th well! With the support of TLU and surrounding communities, we know we can make it happen! Water to Thrive has brought awareness to our campus about something so simple we hardly think about it: clean water! Water is so important, it can change a person’s life: from spending all day walking to bring home diseased water, to having enough time to start school. We are all people of this Earth, and being a global citizen means that we need to care for each other! Thank you to all who have made these wells possible, and let’s keep our momentum going for Well # 5!

Campaign Supporters

Mark and Cindy Willis - $6866
TLU's W2T Benefit - $500
Silent Auction Benefit at First United Methodist Church - March 3
Triumphant Lutheran Church - $1027
A huge thank you to our friends at Triumphant Lutheran Church in San Antonio