Raised 3385.001361.971573.41250.00$6569
Goal $5000
131% to goal

About the Campaign

Our Vacation Bible school this year centered all around water. Learning that there are places where people do not have access to readily available clean water the children decided they wanted to do something about it. Our Sunday school offerings for all of last year totaled roughly $1300.00 with no specific goal or project in mind. After challenging the children during our one week Vacation Bible School to raise $500.00 with a specific goal and purpose in mind, the children met and exceeded it easily. It then became clear that we needed a specific project and goal to motivate heartfelt generosity and authentic Christian care and compassion.

Campaign Supporters

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church - $3385
Trinity Lutheran congregation supports our kids in their Water to Thrive campaign.
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church - $1361
Ongoing support for the Trinity Kids Well Project.
Trinity Lutheran Kids Well Project - $1573
The Sunday School, Bible Class, Vacation Bible School and individual members are pleased to make this donation to the glory of God and to help provide the sustainable blessing of clean, safe water to communities in need.
Supporters from Eagle Pass, TX - $250