Raised $10000
Goal $10000
About the Campaign
Wartburg College Water to Thrive is an entirely student-led campus organization at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. Ed Scharlau, a founding member of the original Water to Thrive organization and Wartburg alumnus, instilled the idea of a student organization at Wartburg after having much success in the 2011-2012 Wartburg Wells campaign headed by two Wartburg students. Over $30,000 was raised including the $10,000 Davis Peace Project grant, which the students were rightfully awarded. With such a great response from fellow students and the Waverly community, Scharlau and company believed that the future of Water to Thrive at Wartburg was bright. In the fall of 2013 two students, Meghan Parman and Liz Shull learned about Water to Thrive and the desperate need for clean water in rural Africa. With the help of Scharlau and their on-campus advisor Gail Sexton, the two decided to take on the challenge of starting their very own student organization Wartburg College Water to Thrive.
Wartburg College Water to Thrive is devoted to raising awareness and bringing safe, clean water to rural Africa. As a group of young passionate students, it is their goal to make a difference by sharing the real life struggles faced daily by thousands of people throughout Africa with their fellow peers. Wartburg College Water to Thrive strives to not only impact the lives of Africans in need of safe, clean water, but also the Wartburg students who choose to join the exciting journey.
In May 2014 a group of students were sent to Tanzania to participate in topping off a new well. By working with other on-campus organizations, holding independent fundraisers, and seeking out support from the generous Waverly community, Wartburg College Water to Thrive can’t wait to fund the many wells to come.
“We are excited about the future of the organization on Wartburg’s campus and know that students are eager to do their part in helping those who do not have the resources to help themselves.” –Liz Shull V.P.
Campaign Supporters
Additional Groups and Events: PRSSA Dash of Color Run
Mrs. Rupps' class
"Water to Thrive - Drinks on Me!"
Wartburg Alum