Raised 1600.001296.88840.00100.003000.002750.00465.0070.00377.00$10248
Goal $10000.00
102% to goal

About the Campaign

Let’s Build Wartburg Wells #16 and #17!

Wartburg College students, faculty, and alum have successfully raised money for 15 water wells in East Africa since 2012. This year, we are partnering with the Rotary Club of Waverly Iowa to raise funds for wells 16 and 17 for communities still in need of safe water!

In support, the Wartburg College Student Chapter of Water to Thrive is hosting a dinner of Ethiopian food, catered by Addis Ethiopian Cuisine, Fairfield, IA.  This event will be held at 5:30 pm, Tuesday March 17th, 2020 at the Waverly Area Veterans Post, 1300 4th St. NW, Waverly, IA.  Event includes music, food, and beverages.  Tickets are $30 (students $20) and can be purchased at the door or by contacting Dr. Shawn Ellerbroek at Wartburg College shawn.ellerbroek@wartburg.edu.   Please purchase a ticket to support more wells, or you may donate now!  All donations and fund-raising proceeds go solely to fund water wells.

We are excited to announce that not only will all proceeds go directly to the next water well, they will be matched, dollar per dollar, by an anonymous donor!

Campaign Supporters

Alumni donors, Rennie and Ed Scharlau - $1600
With humble thanks for the efforts of Wartburg students, adviser Dr. Shawn Ellerbroek and the Waverly Rotary Club.
Wartburg College - $1296
Multiple Supporters from Waverly, IA - $840
Debbe and Tom Baker - $100
Rotary Club of Waverly - $3000
Anonymous - $2500
Facebook Birthday Fundraiser - $465
Wartburg Supporter
Birthday Fundraiser by Wartburg Supporter - $70
Wartburg Supporters-Remaining Funds From Our Last Campaign (Ethiopian Dinner Campaign) - $377