Raised 100.003643.162500.00500.00770.0070.0050.00100.0025.0040.00200.0010.00555.00200.00100.00500.001621.3135.00100.00100.0035.00500.0010.0010.0020.005.001185.0020.0050.00225.0050.00100.00500.001000.0010.0010.0060.00250.00112.50225.0060.0035.0018.0036.00455.00100.00200.0010.00500.00100.00550.00100.001000.00155.0090.0050.00130.00300.0010.002110.003000.001000.00120.00100.0062.50125.001635.39100.00250.00560.77200.002000.0010.00100.0055.003347.50100.0010.001000.005000.0035.00550.001277.5035.002000.00500.0020.00625.001250.00100.002125.004250.001105.001000.0050.00500.00550.0010.00200.001962.503500.00110.00500.00925.00972.50500.00200.00100.00130.00820.001125.001000.00500.003000.0050.00100.005000.00100.001000.001000.0025.0050.001000.00500.0035.00500.001000.005000.002500.00100.005000.0035.0025.0010.005000.00625.001000.00742.5025.00100.00500.00100.00100.00600.00432.50865.00250.00495.0010.0050.008006.5010000.0013.00100.0020000.00100.00250.0012000.005500.0010000.001000.0025.00100.0050.005400.00100.001000.001000.001000.002500.005000.0050.0050.0025.00100.00100.00100.0050.0055.00100.00100.00250.00100.00150.0050.00100.00100.0050.0050.00250.002000.0050.00100.00225.00250.008325.00200.001050.001000.0010000.00500.00200.00500.00500.00200.001000.00100.00500.00500.00200.00200.00100.0050.0055.004092.50500.00500.00200.00200.00400.001000.00250.0038.50200.00250.00300.001000.0050.002500.00550.00250.001825.00100.001000.001000.00500.001000.0050.00500.001000.00630.63310.00620.00500.001000.0025.002000.0050.001261.2557.75115.50175.00100.001285.0020.001322.5055.00100.00100.00660.001333.501000.00250.00500.00100.00100.001755.00100.00100.00100.0035.001200.00200.00100.00310.0050.0050.00110.00500.00100.0022.0035.001200.00425.001000.00100.00200.001327.501000.00250.00400.00100.00100.00200.0010.0050.00100.0035.00100.00800.0035.0050.00200.00200.00100.0050.00100.00100.00100.00110.0055.00250.00500.0035.00$265325
Goal $250000.
About the Campaign
An update from Executive Director, Susanne Wilson:
Thanks to our amazing donors’ generosity, now all donations above our $250K operations relief goal will be applied to fund 3 water wells – one in each country we serve! The $.50 on the dollar match continues!
We are truly overwhelmed by the support and generosity you as donors have shown us. When we set our fundraising goal of $165,000, we were being optimistic, but now thanks to you, we’ve surpassed our goal! We want to continue fundraising, as we still don’t know how the current unrest and COVID-19 will affect our work in the coming months. There is no safe prediction of what the future holds for our organization and whether donors can continue their current level of operational support. So, our Board of Directors and friends have raised an additional $25,000 in matching funds to keep the momentum going! Beginning June 1st, all donations to the Water Can’t Wait: Operations Relief Fundraiser will again be matched $.50 on the dollar. Our new goal for this fundraiser is $250,000. We believe this amount will ensure we can continue our work of providing clean water and life-saving sanitation and hygiene training to those in need. Or, if you would like to support us through the next 12 months, please select our Water Guardians designation on our donation form, to make your gift a monthly, recurring donation. Donate by clicking the button above or sending a check to P.O. Box 26747 Austin, TX 78755. In the memo line, please include: “Water Can’t Wait Fundraiser.”
Any money raised over our new $250,000 goal will go toward funding one full well in each of the countries we work in. Our work originates from a place of great love, both for you, our donors, and for those we serve in East Africa. Although we hope you can continue to support us financially, we understand if you cannot at this moment. We have so much love and gratitude for our donors who have gotten us this far.
We sincerely thank you for your faithful support. God bless and stay safe!
Susanne Wilson
Campaign Supporters
Match contributions for donations received Oct. - Dec. 8, 2020
For donor records, please record that the gift is from: Deacon John Dellis and Johnnie Jordan
Match donations for contributions received Oct. 20 - Nov. 3, 2020
In Memory of Bill Moeller, Brother of Dick Moeller - Water to Thrive Board Chair
Match donation for Wartburg - W2T Club's contribution
Pushing this fundraising effort over the goal! Now all additional dollars donated to this campaign will be applied to build wells, and the $0.50 match continues.
We are proud of your continued work to help others!!
Match donations for extra 10% given for operations - received Aug. 18 - Oct. 12, 2020
Donors who made additional 10% contributions for operations support - received Aug. 18 - Oct. 12, 2020
Match donations for contributions received Oct. 1 - 12, 2020
God Bless you all.
Match donations for contributions from St. Luke's Church and Hope Presbyterian Church
Given in Jesus' name
Match donations for contributions received Sept. 1-15, 2020
Match donations for Facebook contribution for July 15-31 and Sept. 1-15, 2020
Match donations for contributions received August 13-30, 2020
Congratulations to Connie and Bob Scharlau on your 60th Wedding Anniversary.
In memory of Aaron Kolander.
Match donations for extra 10% given for operations - received May 5 - August 17, 2020
Donors who made additional 10% contributions for operations support - received May 5 - August 17, 2020
Match donations for W2T contributions received August 4 - 17, 2020
Your work is admirable!
Match donations for contributions received July 31 - Aug. 4, 2020
There is no greater gift than clean, safe water.
Match donations for contributions received July 19-23, 2020
Minneapolis, MN
Match donations for July 2020 Thrivent contributions - Employer match program
Employer match donations, July 2020
For June 2020, Thrivent Match Contributions
Multiple supporters
Match donations for contributions received June 16 - July 9, 2020
Water Guardian
Match donations for contributions received June 4 - 17, 2020
Minneapolis, MN
Match donations for Zach Fromm's and Jim Sorensen's Facebook fundraisers
Match donations for donors' contributions received May 12 - 17, 2020
Bethany Lutheran Church - Austin, TX
In memory of Roger Lien
In honor of Jim Sorensen's birthday
Match donations for donors' contributions received June 3, 2020
Maplewood, MO
With this small contribution, I pray that lives will be saved, girls have more time for school, and mothers can breathe a sigh of relief.
Memorial gift
Match donations for donors' contributions received May 9-11, 2020
Match donations for donors' contributions received May 7, 2020.
I hope this will help..
Match donation for Joel Hinkhouse's Facebook fundraiser
Facebook fundraiser for W2T Operations Emergency Relief Fund
In memory of Russell Scharlau
Thank you Water to Thrive for the amazing work you do!
Match donations for donors' contributions received May 5-6, 2020
Match donation for Austin Supporters' $20,000.00 contribution
Match donations for two Austin supporters, giving via charitable foundations, received May 6, 2020
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40
We appreciate the work of Dick Moeller and the WTT team!
Match donation for Blom family contribution received April 20, 2020
Match donations for donors' contributions received May 2 - 5, 2020
So more wells are built, and to help with operations relief so Water to Thrive continues the 100% Promise.
Thanks for all of the work you do to help provide the world with clean water!
We appreciate "Water to Thrive" for your unwavering strive for excellent work you do to bring water in the most needed part of the world. Thank you!
Having seen first hand the joy of a new well for the village, I’m reminded of the great blessing of safe drinking water I receive daily at the turn of the faucet.
In appreciation of all W2T staff. They are a great team!
The impact of Water to Thrive is practically immeasurable. Amazing to see what access to clean what can do for a community. Honored to support their mission
Thrivent will be matching this contribution. Thanks as always for your amazing work!
Water to thrive will be a vital help to preventing disease Blessed to be able to help
Match donations for donors' contributions received May 1, 2020
Memorial Gift
Match donations for donors' contributions received April 25-30, 2020
We live in the countryside and know the value of a clean well.
Proud of our rotary for well projects
Thank you for what you do for those who are in need!
Operations fund
Match donations for contributions received April 22 - 24, 2020
A Wartburg college classmate of Ed Scharlau - To help provide water for life.
Thank you for all that you do to keep this mission operational!
Love you all SO much. Keep building wells and changing lives. <3
Match donations for donors' contributions received on April 21 & 22, 2020
For those in need of fresh water.
From Ed Scharlau's (W2T Board Treasurer) neighbors -- so we may serve our other neighbors in east Africa.
We are part of the Water Angel group
Match donation for anonymous, $2,000.00 contribution
Match donation for Elanore and Dan Decker's contribution
Match donations for W2T Facebook fundraiser, received April 13 - 20, 2020
Contributions made April 13 - 20, 2020
Match donations for contributions to Dick's Facebook fundraiser, through April 20, 2020
Donations received through April 20, 2020
Match donation for individual contribution to W2T's Facebook page
We are happy to give our stimulus check to support the people of East Africa with the life-saving gift of clean water. God Bless You all!
Match donations for contributions received April 13- May 1, 2020 - for 10% portion, added for extra operations support
Donors who made additional 10% contributions for extra operations support - received April 13 - May 1, 2020
Match donations for donors' contributions received April 18 - 20, 2020
Thanks to Ed Scharlau.
Match donations for donors' contributions received April 17, 2020
Match donations for donors' contributions received on April 16, 2020
Love and Peace, and God Bless!
Thank you for the opportunity to continue sharing in this life-giving ministry with you.
Blessings to you and all you do to spread the love of Christ to those in need.
Match donations for donors' contributions received April 15, 2020
This is such good work. You are all ethical, creative and devoted caretakers. Hope this helps you all in your work. Carl and Claudia
When we turn on the tap and clean water flows out, we are blessed. Many people (usuallly women) walk miles each day for water, ofter in dangerous conditions. Thank you, Water To Thrive, for helping us share the blessing of clean water with our sisters and brothers.
Thank you so much Dick ( and your team) for the wonderful work you do in providing water to our Ethiopian families.
I want Water to Thrive to continue changing lives by providing clean, safe water to areas that need it desperately.
Match donations for donors' contributions made on April 14, 2020
Ruthie and Charlie, I made this donation in your honor to thank you for what you do for others and in such an unselfish way! Love, Dad
In memory of Shell and Ruth Boyce
To a generous Water to Thrive Board whose response exceeded the goal to create the Board Match and to our Water to Thrive Staff responding exceptionally to this new need. Ed Scharlau, Treasurer, Water to Thrive
Keep up the good work!
Memorial gift from Austin Supporters
In honor of Doug and Joyce.
Honoring all the health workers around the world during this pandemic.
Hang in there!😃
Keep up the great and important work--Thank you all.
Match donations for donors' contributions made on April, 13, 2020
Blessings to you, Dick!
Thanks to all of you at Water to Thrive. The need is great, and it is a great time to give.
In honor of Rennie and Ed Scharlau
Wishing you all continued success in making a difference in human life with water. Peace be with you all!
My Grandmother taught me the importance of sharing the love of Christ and the gifts of God. May this donation go to helping keep the mission alive of helping those to get the most basic of things, water.
I’d sure like to donate more but significant limitations exist. This donation I hope represents my thoughts and gratitude for Water to Thrive and the staff. Wish it was more but hope the thought counts Phil
This is a wonderful cause. Hope this helps. Good luck!
The Guerrina family supports the good works of Water to Thrive and all of those involved.
Hi Susanne, Kendall and all. Hope you are all well and staying safe. Weird times and wish you all the best with your fundraising. Rob and Monica