Gelaye Daksissa is 15 years old and in the 4th grade. She has 5 siblings (3 brothers and 2 sisters). Gelaye is the oldest child, on whom responsibility caring for younger brothers and sisters falls. She is also responsible gathering water for the household.
There used to be no safe potable water in the village. Gelaye and other community members would fetch water from distant small ponds, which was not convenient to collect. This resulted in long and tiresome treks with a 2 hour wait in line for water. In order to prevent this long hike and wait, Gelaye would walk for water at night. This situation exposed her to punishment and even sexual abuse.
(old community water source)
With the construction of the Amuma W2T water project, which is in 1.5 km distance from her house, things have changed. The water point provides service from 6am-8am and 4pm-7pm which is declared by law of the community. This makes life easy for the community members and Gelaye. Now she is not missing classes and envisions becoming a teacher. Gelay said: “These days I’m getting time to deal with home-works given by teachers. Hopefully my educational performance will get improve.”
The Amuma water project serves 861 beneficiaries (365 males and 451 females). The project is located on a road and service is demonstrated for numerous people passing by. Children are able to go to school and have a designated time to safely collect water. Students get a chance to practice personal hygiene with access to potable water. They have general better health and have enough time for education that brighten future endeavors.
(new W2T community water project)
Gelaye Daksissa is 15 years old and in the 4th grade. She has 5 siblings (3 brothers and 2 sisters). Gelaye is the oldest child, on whom responsibility caring for younger brothers and sisters falls. She is also responsible gathering water for the household.
There used to be no safe potable water in the village. Gelaye and other community members would fetch water from distant small ponds, which was not convenient to collect. This resulted in long and tiresome treks with a 2 hour wait in line for water. In order to prevent this long hike and wait, Gelaye would walk for water at night. This situation exposed her to punishment and even sexual abuse.
(old community water source)
With the construction of the Amuma W2T water project, which is in 1.5 km distance from her house, things have changed. The water point provides service from 6am-8am and 4pm-7pm which is declared by law of the community. This makes life easy for the community members and Gelaye. Now she is not missing classes and envisions becoming a teacher. Gelay said: “These days I’m getting time to deal with home-works given by teachers. Hopefully my educational performance will get improve.”
The Amuma water project serves 861 beneficiaries (365 males and 451 females). The project is located on a road and service is demonstrated for numerous people passing by. Children are able to go to school and have a designated time to safely collect water. Students get a chance to practice personal hygiene with access to potable water. They have general better health and have enough time for education that brighten future endeavors.
(new W2T community water project)
About The Author: Water to Thrive
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