Have you ever thought about experiencing the people, culture and gift of water in Ethiopia? Water to Thrive has three trips scheduled for the summer of 2014, each catered to explore different aspects of the mission and communities we serve. These trips are one-two weeks long, full of life-changing and inspiring moments.
To learn more about our trips in May and June, read trip descriptions here. You can also get a taste of traveling to Ethiopia through our view videos and blogs.
**a portion of our first scheduled trip itinerary is below:
Have you ever thought about experiencing the people, culture and gift of water in Ethiopia? Water to Thrive has three trips scheduled for the summer of 2014, each catered to explore different aspects of the mission and communities we serve. These trips are one-two weeks long, full of life-changing and inspiring moments.
To learn more about our trips in May and June, read trip descriptions here. You can also get a taste of traveling to Ethiopia through our view videos and blogs.
**a portion of our first scheduled trip itinerary is below:
About The Author: Water to Thrive
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