May 2008: Founder Dick Moeller, left of sign, and his daughter Meredith, right of sign, visiting one of the original 12 wells built by Water to Thrive.
Ten years ago this week, our founder Dick Moeller and his daughter Meredith joined the community of Ketema in rural Ethiopia to celebrate one of Water to Thrive’s original 12 wells. Tomorrow, Dick leaves for another visit to Ethiopia, a journey that will take him to water projects completed throughout our decade of service, including one or two other of these original 12 wells.
Once his Ethiopian tour is done, Dick will meet our executive director, Susanne Wilson, and our group of supporters who have committed to Climb for a Cause, hiking up Tanzania’s Mt. Kilimanjaro and raising funds to support our mission.
As we look at this photo from 2008, it’s hard to imagine that those original 12 wells have turned into more than 850, or that that original group of villagers and farmers celebrating clean, safe water has grown to more than 450,000 people. But that is where this decade has taken us, thanks to the hard work and partnership of our in-country partners, the communities we serve, and all of our sponsors and supporters along the way. Thank you!
About The Author: Water to Thrive
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