

Complete Campaigns

Hope’s Ethiopian Well Project – Funding Complete
Hope’s Ethiopian Well Project – Funding CompleteOur goal to build a second well is complete and will bless those who desperately need it. Five thousand dollars can build a well to provide safe and clean water to more than 250 people for twenty years. Thank you for joining us in this important work!
Goal $10,000
$10,030 Raised
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Ethiopian Friends I
Ethiopian Friends IWelcome to the Ethiopia Friends campaign to build a well in Ethiopia. This campaign began in June of 2011, at the missionary reunion in Minneapolis. Your donation will help us reach the goal of having our own well through Water To Thrive.
Goal $5,000
$7,760 Raised
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Akash’s Campaign
Akash’s CampaignAfter visiting Ethiopia, I saw the immense need for building wells and how much it can change the lives of hundreds of people. Help me to sponsor a well to help improve the lives of as many people that we can.
Goal $10,000
$10,000 Raised
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Illinois State Campaign for Water
Illinois State Campaign for WaterWater is a gift that we all too often take for granted. This year, the students, faculty, and friends of Illinois state - led by Professor Andrew Matthews - are on a campaign to make a difference. Together we are trying to raise $5,000 to construct a water well in rural Ethiopia. We hope that you will join us in our effort to bring clean water to those who have never known it.
Goal $5,000
$5,970 Raised
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Kovach Campaign – Thank you!!
Kovach Campaign – Thank you!!Join me in supporting W2T 's effort to bring clean, safe drinking water to communities in Africa! Please donate to the mission, as every little bit helps those using dirty and polluted water. It is amazing to think our community can help a community so far away, so desperately in need. 100% of campaign donations go towards water projects. Donate today to make a huge impact!
Goal $5,000
$5,026 Raised
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TLU Quest for Clean Water – 2nd Well! Thank you!
TLU Quest for Clean Water – 2nd Well! Thank you!TLU students have been working so hard the past two years to raise enough money to build a water well and we have reached our goal! Water to Thrive has brought awareness to our campus, about something so simple we hardly think about it: clean water! Water is so important, it can change a person's life: from spending all day walking to bring home diseased water, to having enough time to start school. We are all people of this Earth, and being a global citizen means that we need to care for each other! This campaign is our next push for TLU's second water well! Your help would be greatly appreciated for those suffering!
Goal $10,000
$10,932 Raised
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